I am sure this will change. . . I know it will change. . .  but I feel a little like I am standing in an enormouos  seven-foot deep pool.  I can bounce on the bottom so that my head rises above the surface now and again and suck in a lungful of air but my head soon goes under and the (slight) panic sets in.  I can tread water and breathe normally but only for short periods. 

I am sure that I would have drowned before now were it not for my cadre-mates.  They make me realize that I am not alone and not the only one.  Last night we played League of Legends for a couple of hours and , even though I am a self-professed non-gamer (some might even say gameaphobic) I was surprised how quickly I was able to pick up the technique and goals of the game. 

So, one small step, or perhaps I should say one small breath.  Perhaps it's me, or perhaps the pool is getting shallower, whichever may be, I am breathing more frequently now and I think I may continue to do so.

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    I am currently a Masters candidate in the Learning Technologies (MALT) program at Pepperdine University.  I have worked with Kaplan Higher Education since 2003 and strongly believe in education for underserved populations.  I have a strong interest in photography and a brief gallery of my work is published herein.


    October 2013
    September 2013
    August 2013
    July 2013

