Well, I jumped in and whipped out a video for the community of practice assignment. . . . I'm glad I did it so early because it gives me time to complete a second one.  Let me explain.  My first CoP video is really about a community within which I have been an observer (lurker) for quite some time.  It's an online CoP, or group of CoPs that I go to when I have an Excel problem I can't solve.  I believe this fits the definition of a CoP but I'm not really happy with it because I don't really think it fits the spirit of the assignment.  I'm going to look for other options and create a second video.  Stay tuned!

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    Right up front. . . I am not a gamer.  I do enjoy the occasional potty game but you won't find me for 12 hours at a stretch plunked down in front of my TV battling aliens in Mortal Combat (see what I mean?)

    This blog is part of a Learning Design course at Pepperdine University


    November 2013
    October 2013
    September 2013
    August 2013

